Rat Park Cartoon explores a classic experiment into drug addiction science
Would the rats choose to take drugs if given stimulating environment and company?
A really interesting read by Stuart McMillen
Would the rats choose to take drugs if given stimulating environment and company?
A really interesting read by Stuart McMillen
There is nothing to practice. To know yourself, be yourself. To be yourself, stop imagining yourself to be this or that. Just be. Let your true nature emerge. Don’t disturb your mind with seeking. Continue Reading →
So if you are like me and live in a country where its illegal to ride a bike without a helmet, finding cool solutions to store said helmet is a complete must. Continue Reading →
Ok so I’ve learned to love skipping due to my boxing training. This video is pretty awesome and has given me few different exercises to try out this evening. I tend to zen out when I skip. A real good wind down at the end of the day. Continue Reading →
Its good advice.
I used to row when I was in high school. I remember all sorts of tortuous training but a genuine love of being out on the water and if I’m completely honest with myself, lyrca. Mostly on other people but thats hardly the point. Continue Reading →
The most healing plaster in the entire world
Well I did so well all year and then one trip to New York (which was fab by the way) and I get the bloody flu.
Lettings hoping its not the swine variety, altho I was told by a certain swede in the know that I would be better off with that one as the other flu kills more.
Even so I’m rubbish sick.. Roll on the weekend.
Ah Mike Tyson.. We can say many things about the man and I would recommend the recent documentary by James Toback if you want to delve more. Continue Reading →